Some 40 participants from 15 customers tried out the revamped VOD modules and gave us great feedback, in the flesh in Brussels or online from their desk.
True to our belief that co-creation is the way to stay ahead, we welcomed 23 participants from 9 customers in Brussels to try out the revamped VOD modules in version 27Q3.This was on 25 September. The following day another 16 people from 6 customers did the same, but this time online from their desk. The participants went through the whole flexible and configurable VOD workflow, from scheduling, over packaging to transcoding and publishing. We wanted to hear how they experienced it all and what they would like to see finetuned. As they explored the modules and made exercises, we noted down their feedback, questions and suggestions so as to tweak our solution to their wishes and requirements. This was our third User Experience Testing Topic UAB, following the Topic UABs on Tx Sequences and the Transmission Plan.